English Skills: How To Tell An Anecdote in English

An anecdote is a short story, funny or interesting, about an event that we share with people socially and professionally.
In order to to capture your listener’s attention, the anecdote needs to have some structure. It needs:
✶ The introduction – This gives the background to the story and why people will find it interesting or funny.
✶ The beginning – To explain how the story started
✶ The story – Tell the main events in order
✶ The end – To make a final comment about the story or how things are now.
So let’s take a look at some phrases you could use to get started with each stage.
The Introduction
➢ You are not going to believe this, but ……….
➢ Did I ever tell you about the time I was …….?
➢ I’ll never forget the time I was ……….
The Beginning
➢ It’s quite a few years ago ……..
➢Talking of……that reminds of the time I……..
➢ This was around the time of ……..
➢ And you’ll never guess who/where/what…….
The Story
➢ You should have heard/seen …….
➢And then to top it all……
➢ And the strange/funny/stupid thing was……
➢Can you imagine my surprise when……
➢By the time I’d realised what had happened……
The End
➢Anyway, to cut a long story short……
➢So, in the end what happened was…..
➢ Seems quite funny now, but it didn’t at the time …….
➢Anyway, it turned out well in the end…..
Here are some reaction phrases you can use when actively listening to the story.
➢I’m not surprised
➢You’re joking?
➢I can imagine!
➢How odd!
➢What a nightmare!
➢ Sounds awful/terrible!
➢I don’t blame you.
➢Wow, that’s amazing!
➢Oh, I see what you mean.
➢Lucky you!
➢Oh my God!
➢ Were you really?
➢So, what happened?
➢You can’t be serious
Shanthi. English Skills: How To Tell An Anecdote in English. - http://englishwithatwist.com/2016/02/18/english-skills-how-to-tell-an-anecdote-in-english/
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