неділя, 19 червня 2016 р.

English Language Summer Camp "Young English Learners," Yahotyn, Kyiv Region,Ukraine, 2016

09.06.2016 was the Day of Personal Safety. After tasty breakfast kids played enthusiastically different board games. Then they learnt street rules and the rules of safety while crossing the roads and safe behaviour in public places. After that the kids met the police officer who told about preventative measures of saving kids' lives during summer vocations. Finally, there was a paper contest "Be Careful During Summer Holidays." All contestants were awarded with sweet prizes. 

середа, 8 червня 2016 р.

English Language Summer Camp "Young English Learners," Yahotyn, Kyiv Region,Ukraine, 2016

08.06.2016 the campers made braceletes of friendship and painted pictures "My Friends are Everywhere!" Detachments "Hive" and "Friendship" went on excursion to visit exhibition dedicated to the famous Ukrainian painter Kateryna Bilokur in the village of Bohdanivka. Students were delighted with this trip and excursion.

English Language Summer Camp "Young English Learners," Yahotyn, Kyiv Region,Ukraine, 2016

07.06.2016 the motto of this day is "We are for healthy lifestyle." This day campers started as usual with jogging and exercises. After that our students went to the local fire station, acquainted with firefighters' job, the danger and risk involved in it. Then the campers performed on the stage. They presented the tale "Winnie - the Pooh".  Before lunch our campers played football. It was a great fun!

понеділок, 6 червня 2016 р.

English Language Summer Camp "Young English Learners," Yahotyn, Kyiv Region,Ukraine, 2016

06.06.2016 was the Day of Artist. First of all the campers learnt about state symbols of Great Britain and Ukraine. They watched the video, painted the flags of the above mentioned countries. After that there was a quest dedicated to Country Studies. Sudents from every detachment got different tasks. They went to various quest stations, and made up sentences, read tongue twisters, guessed the riddles, and answered the questions. At the quest station there was a sweet wonder. School students prepared beautifully designed desserts made of biscuits, chocolate, and sugar toppings. After the end of the quest the campers tasted desserts with great delight. Every one was pleased and happy to find out more about state symbols, traditions, and customs of Ukrainian and English people. 

неділя, 5 червня 2016 р.

English Language Summer Camp "Young English Learners," Yahotyn, Kyiv Region, Ukraine, 2016

03.06.2016 campers went on virtual trip around London. They had made preparations before it. Campers found some interesting facts about famous places, painted the pictures, and sticked them on the plastic bottles. During the excursion four guides presented landmarks. They told about them, recited the rhymes, and sang songs. After that the detachments were given routes and directions how to get to different places. The detachment who completed all the tasks the first became the winner and got a sweet prize. In a cheerful mood our disciples went on the route of tourism. They relied on the ground, and dragged the rope. The day ended with awarding the winners and most active participants of the camp.

пʼятниця, 3 червня 2016 р.

English Language Summer Camp "Young English Learners," Yahotyn, Kyiv Region, Ukraine, 2016

02.06.2016 our kids of the Camp designed "The Calender of My Birthday." They became the participants of the workshop and made birthday cards. It was marvellous to watch the contest of handprint art and "Magic Palms." The detachment "Bastion" was the best and won the sweet prize. After that our school students took part in the environmental quest "Join the Nature." It was very exciting, instructive, and, most of all, useful, because the campers learnt that they are the part of the nature and they must preserve it for themselves and future generations. Go green! Time to Act is Now!!!

середа, 1 червня 2016 р.

English Language Summer Camp "Young English Learners," Yahotyn, Kyiv Region, Ukraine, 2016

01.06.2016 is the first day of summer and International Day of Children's Rights. Our campers attended the concert of the  local performers. After the concert our kids drew pictures on the asphalt. You can see them here. 

English Language Summer Camp "Young English Learners," Yahotyn, Kyiv Region, Ukraine, 2016

31.05.2016 kids of the camp "Young English Learners" shared ideas about their hobbies. A lot of them are tremendous lovers of nature. Children learnt interesting facts about different plants. They went on excursion to the park and after that made paper flowers creating the collage "Clearing of Flowers." In the contest "Who Knows Flowers" Inna Ivanets won the first prize. The festival of flowers was unusual and exciting.